Axillo-bifemoral bypass gives Margaret King more family time.


After 83 years, Harrison resident Margaret King has a lot to show for: A lifetime of service, two children, fourteen grandchildren. However, with so many accomplishments also came health concerns – until she met Dr. Omar P. Haqqani, Chief of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery at Vascular Health Clinics.

A Detroit native, King spent her life working for Cadillac Motor Car Division in the city, helping to manufacture car parts.

She met her husband at the time, had two children, who had fourteen grandchildren, and lived in the city for over 60 years.

After retiring from Cadillac Motor Car Division, Margaret moved to Harrison with her daughter, where she enjoys spending time with her family, gardening and fishing at her home when she can.

However, until recently, she was limited to how often she could perform or enjoy these activities. Margaret was experiencing high blood pressure, lightheadedness and dizziness, among other symptoms.

Margaret had previously met Dr. Haqqani at his former Alma practice before moving to Midland, but was referred by her nephrologist for the problem she was experiencing.

Upon seeing Dr. Haqqani, she assumed that these symptoms would become part of her daily routine – until Dr. Haqqani reassured her that her condition was treatable.

Margaret and her daughter, Debbie Fletcher, spoke highly of Dr. Haqqani’s explanation of the procedure, as well as methods the doctor used to come to this conclusion.

“Everything was explained very well and thoroughly,” Margaret said. “He showed me everything on the computer and it all sunk in. He even called in a doctor he used to work under in New York to consult him as well.”

Dr. Haqqani informed Margaret that she would have to undergo an axillobifemoral bypass in order to provide relief from her symptoms.

In an axillobifemoral bypass, surgical revascularization is applied to the artery between the kidneys and aorta, allowing for proper blood flow between the two segments.

By improving retrograde flow through the renals and perivisceral segments, the procedure would allow Margaret relief from the lightheadedness, dizziness, high blood pressure and the general weakness she was experiencing.

After having the axillobifemoral bypass in early September, Margaret began to see an improvement in her symptoms almost immediately.

After just a couple of weeks, her blood pressure returned to a normal level, her lightheadedness and dizziness was practically nonexistent and was able to get more enjoyment out of the activities she loves doing most.

Margaret said that, thanks to her improved condition, she’s looking forward to spending even more time with her family.

“I think she’s done great after the procedure,” Debbie said. “I don’t know if I even would have done as well under the same circumstances, and I’m 20 years younger than she is!“


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